As per the ruling of Directorate of Education, mega cleanliness drive week from 7-14 August was celebrated in lieu of Independence Day celebrations.

Following activities were conducted throughout the week:

  1. Plantation of sapling by the students in the school premises for making the school green.

  2. Informative plays were conducted on conservation of water-a natural resources and conservation of wild life.

  3. Poster making competition was conducted in IX standard for given topics.

a) Don’t litter, it makes the world bitter.

b) Don’t pay the price keep our city nice.

c) Cleanliness is an emblem of purity of mind.

d) Keep our city clean and green.


Various activities in different classes were undertaken to spread the importance of cleanliness and sanitation.

Students from classes II and III made drawings on the topic; class IV students wrote essays; class V, VI and VII wrote poems, stories and scripts respectively; class VIII students shared their knoweldge by way of power point presentations.

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"“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ------ Mahatma Gandhi "