The scenario in the field of education has been in a flux, may be because of fast changing situation in political, social and global activities all over the world. The demand put on the education system has been tremendous of the unusual challenges. In this context, description of intelligence as given by John Holi in "How children fail" is more appropriate. He states that "it (intelligence) is the style of life, a way of behaving in various and particularly new, strange and perplexing situations". In his opinion, the test of intelligence is not how much we know how to do but how to behave when we don't know what to do, and when an intelligent person fails to master the new situation , he looks without shame or fear at his mistakes and learns what he can learn from them, he has more tolerance for uncertainty.

Green View public School has adopted a very dynamicand progressive attitude to expose children through an educational programme so that they may be able to face uncertainty in an uncertain future and be a learner all through life.

By picking up the motto "Going high is my nature" Dabas Education Societyhas clearly identified the limitless potential of a child and its own responsibility as to be facilitator of exploration of this potential through education.


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"“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ------ Mahatma Gandhi "